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Posts from the ‘Articles’ Category

Time from the inside out

Our perception of time causes us stress. Why do some projects feel easy to complete and others get pushed off and off? There are many strategies and books to help ourselves and trick our minds into approaching a job with ease and less stress.

A recent study conducted at the University of Chicago Business School found that better productivity comes from relating to the goals in the present. Participants were given a deadline to complete a 4 hour project in 5 days. The group that was told on April 25th that they had until April 30th to complete the task started the task sooner than a second group told on April 29th that they must complete the task by May 5th. Researchers believe that the change in month for the due date created a barrier in the participant’s mind that allowed them to delay starting the task.

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Paternal Depression leads to problems with children

Why do we tend to overlook the mental health needs of new parents particularly the father’s needs? The emotional swings that accompany the mother’s experience after the birth of a child can often eclipse a vulnerable time for the father. Fathers are more involved than ever in caring and providing for newborns and involved with child rearing. Given the norm of two working parents and the stresses of parenthood, men often experience their first bout of depression after the birth of a child.

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Mindfulness in Therapy

We are all living in more hectic times. When we tell ourselves be mindful, we are calling on some innate capacity to be present. It may even work sometimes. Awareness of each unfolding moment brings a greater ease and appreciation for things as they are.

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Relieve Stress and Anxiety

Finding a way to prioritize taking care of ourselves can help minimize the impact of stress in our lives. People who take time to relax and unwind fare better physically and emotionally

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Cultivating Happiness in Children

Teach your children to stop and pay attention. Learn how to bring a greater awareness to positive events and teach your children that despite difficulties they can appreciate what is good in their lives.

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About My Practice

I offer a safe place to identify problems and concerns that prevent clients from realizing their goals.

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